The Hon Kate Jones


Kate has more than 20 years’ experience in senior government and leadership positions. Kate served as a Minister in the Queensland Government for more than eight years in a range of portfolios including State Development, Education, Tourism and Major Events and Innovation and Climate Change.


Kate was also the Minister for the Commonwealth Games working closely with key industry partners and all levels of government to successfully deliver Queensland’s largest ever event, the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games.


Throughout 2020, Kate was instrumental in working with many national sporting codes to ensure they could continue to operate safely during the COVID-19 pandemic, and she led the government’s economic response for the tourism and events industries.


Kate has also served as a member of the Cabinet Budget Review Committee developing and implementing Queensland’s state budget and overarching economic strategy for the state.


Throughout her career Kate has also served on several government and non-government boards at both a state and national level. Kate has strong skills in strategy development and partnerships, crisis management, media relations and communication.